28 April 2007

Movies - March 2007

I can hardly recall what was I doing two days ago, yet I'm trying to compile a list of movies I've seen some two months back anyway. A bit of a challenge; nevertheless, here it is:

1. The Good Shepherd (2006) (enjoyable)
2. An Inconvenient Truth (2006) (show-off)
3. The Aviator (2004) (too long)
4. Quand j'étais chanteur (2005) (nice)
5. The Pursuit Of Happyness (2006) (uplifting)
6. Cloud Nine (2000) (funny)
7. Musím tě svést (2002) (sharp)
8. The Illusionist (2006) (bright)
9. Swingers (1996) (you're money, baby ;-)
10. Sexmisja (1984) (legendary)
11. Tatínek (2004) (charming)
12. Hot Fuzz (2007) (witty)

Strongest month so far, meaning I was mainly bludging.

08 April 2007

Falling down

Sleepless nights. Watching endless reels of movies until early morning hours, then sleeping till two. Eating out, then falling soulless into blankets. It's raining outside, so be it! Few messages, nothing important. What is of any importance, anyway? I have no values, I lack principles and am unable to distinguish between black and white. Would it make a difference, would I be able to? Hardly. Importance is just a word that means nothing without a point of view. It's attached to it. Yet, there's no rules. No rules means no importance whatsoever. Tricky, ain't it?

I am no longer in a stand-by mode, I'm falling down fast. Free fall, that's what they call it, don't they? Might sound a bit tragic under certain circumstances, but I'm the one free-falling and I don't feel that way. Universal truths were invented for morons.

Let me fall a bit deeper. I might need to bite the concrete to wake up, or, ironically, should I rather say to fall asleep.