Woke up late. Certainly, 10 am ain't a great time to start a productive day. Had muesli with yoghurt for breakfast. And did nothing more. Hanged out in the pad, listened to Queen, browsed the net, just drinking lemonade, eating chocolate and basically bludging.
Thought about writing an article or two on different issues and looked into some work, too. And snoozed off. And then cleared some files of a hard drive and added album or two to iTunes. Had a shower and ate a schnitzel — to simulate the lunch, I guess.
And snoozed off. And listened to more music. Looked out of window and wondered if to go out or stay in. Stayed in. Read the papers, wrote few emails.
I need days like this from time to time. To clear the head, to recharge, to breathe out. Monday will be hectic again, I know, so thanks for a day off. I'm only readying the adrenaline for the ride.