28 August 2012


You did not sleep at home, a colleague of mine hints seeing me wearing the same clothes as yesterday.

I did not, I admit without hesitating. In fact, I slept in four different towns and five different beds in last five nights. My car is my home: everything from toothbrush to iPad travels with me.

Tight schedule, yet manageable. And enjoyable at the same time. Emails on the go, phone calls while driving. Using hands-free, of course! I smile at the receptionist as I pass by. She smiles back, unknowingly. I smile at the taylor trimming my suit and she smiles back. Knowingly. Indeed, it does work.

When falling asleep in one of those beds, I smile again, looking at the perfect body lying next to me. This is rather the only bitter-sweet moment of the day.

I can't. I won't. I'm off again in a few short hours. My German class starts at 7 AM. The tutor will be pünktlich. So shall I.

14 August 2012


A lazy summer Sunday. Perhaps the last one this season. Sun is still making sure we sweat — yet the days get shorter, mornings chillier and the dark falls early.

We make love as we come alive and than just hang on in an unceasing hug, floating in and out of consciousness until the hunger wakes us up for good.

We eat and set ahead for a seemingly meaningless trip. By the river, by the trees, with my hand on her knee and her palm in my hair.

Shall we stay together? Time will tell. We discuss what ifs so naturally and matter-of-factly as I've never experienced before. This ain't a silly high school talk, this happens for real.

If I could love her, I would, although it's too early, my shattered heart is miles away and I can't pull myself together for now. I'm like a thief trying to get rid of old habits, desperately stressing to be a better man.

We dine in my favourite joint and then we split; and I'm leaving towards the setting bulb in the sky. I sigh lightly: my life has become a slushy romance — and I cannot get enough.