10 October 2008


Another week, another trip. The plane was packed, overhead lockers cramped, people nervous and disturbed. A rainy night. Maybe a bit windy, too. A baby was crying non-stop through the flight. Attendants were looking at each other, slightly strained. Nothing much happened but for few roller coaster dives. Air turbulence, they call it. Free-falling for a mere second here and there.

I stared in front of me, dumbstruck, somehow knowing it's all cool and safe, yet masochistically hoping for at least a crash landing.

Can't recall such a soft touchdown in ages. People were clapping and cheering when we landed.

Got wasted as soon as I got off the plane.

These two stories are totally unrelated, of course.


zabka said...

hey.. who are you?

Daily Whinger said...

I'm a picker, I'm a grinner, I'm a lover and I'm a sinner, I play my music in the sun... :-)

zabka said...

are you really?
i know you are from your texts, but i wanna know in real.. :P

Daily Whinger said...

Sure I am. Yet we're too far apart, aren't we? :-)

zabka said...

not in todays world ;)