03 March 2012


Saturday mornings in Centennial Park. A bit too early and sometimes also chilly for my liking, with nature just about waking up; pretty much the same as me. We walk three rounds in a fast pace before we split, only to meet the following weekend again at the same place.

We — that's Frank, Joe and me. Like father, son and grandson, three generations set 25 years apart.

We talk all the way; U.S. mortgage crisis and the stock market volatility is the number one topic back in 2007. Sure, we may talk about arts, too. Photography, music, theatre. And sport. And history as well. Nevertheless, the state of the economy is always the prevailing theme of our seemingly perpetual agitated discussions.

Now, we've lost Frank. As fate would have it, I learned from Wikipedia, from the article I myself started.

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