I don't know. I've been told zillion times to avoid doing that — but I can't help myself. She appears from nowhere, we chit-chat, drink wine, watch a movie and rather sooner than later end up in bed. And then all of a sudden, there's a relationship. I come home and she's home.
Hello!! — She's home at my home.I guess I don't mind. I come home mainly to sleep anyway, so why bother, right? I can sleep with her. She gets me and as a bonus she can enjoy my erotic yakking and my erratic ego. And of course — she can cook and wash up, too, hopefully at least occasionally.
I also get to do whatever else partners do — one gets a vague idea from sitcoms and I learnt a thing here and there.
Generally, things like sharing a bath, seducing when not necessary, being fun and being around contribute to a good vibe. Talking late at night in bed and falling asleep while hugging do, too. Being moron and only sporadically around ain't that great. Also coming home wasted too often is not a terrific idea at all.
Thinking about it, I'm a more on a good side. I even take garbage bag with me when I leave the place. I can operate a washing machine and a microwave oven. And I can lend a helping hand even if not asked to.
Yet I still don't know. I wonder. I hesitate. I'm way too far from being sure I'm a natural-born family man.